Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Summary Project Management Learning - 1713 Words
Summary of Project Management Learning My employer, Gulfstream Aerospace, offers project management training over six courses which I easily swept through two years ago. Their third-party courseware taught by certified instructors supposedly prepares you to take the PMP Certification. After reviewing the PMBOK Guide and subsequent test requirements, I felt an academic approach would be better in the long run for me by learning not just how?, but why? various project management practices are followed at work but not others. I have experience creating work breakdown structures (WBS) for my projects (separate from routine, ongoing work), yet there was no connection or insight into the cost accounting delivered by the work packages. Likewise, while I create Gantt charts (typically for six month projects), no one ever trained me to produce a risk assessment that factored the probability of possible contigency situations or how to determine a math-based response when the need arises to reduce schedule duration. In addition to the references ofWBS-cost accounting and risk assessment probability calculation, other significant gaps include awareness of the socio-technical nature of approaching project management today, top-down versus bottom-up methods of estimating costs and project times, determining slack with a network diagram (with nary a word about a forward or backward pass), and how to assess and manage project risks effectively. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Role of the Gods in Homers Odyssey Essay - 1936 Words
The Role of the Gods in The Odyssey In the ancient world, the gods of the Greeks had been predominately confined to cosmological deeds prior to the works of Homer. As Hesiod laid out the roles of the gods in his Theogony and the Works and Days, it is apparent that though the gods were active in the creation of the cosmos, natural phenomenon, and cyclical events such as seasons, they were not however, functioning in any historical way(Bloom 36). This strictly cosmological view of the gods was in no way unusual to the ancient world. Though the breech of theology into historical events was perhaps first introduced by the Hebrews at the turn of the first millennia B.C.E., it was soon echoed in the religious paradigms of homo religiosus†¦show more content†¦It is at this early place in the poem that he also establishes the connection between the heart and suffering as he proclaims that he is on that journey which was to mean hard suffering, and he must have evil to suffer. This suffering he describes with the terms of chaos such as tearing winds and sea, and claims that it is none other than the fate of Odysseus to suffer.(106) As Odysseus retells his story to the Phaikians, he continually reestablishes this link between the heart, suffering and chaos. While fleeing the land of the Kikonians and grieving still at heart, he and his compliment are subjected to a chaotic supernatural storm as night sprang from heaven. (139) This storm is created by Zeus in his cosmological role as cloud gather, and diverts Odysseus ships to the land of the Lotus Eaters. This episode attributed no historical value to the actions, but was said the luck that came our way from Zeus was evil, to make us unfortunate, so we must have hard pains to suffer. (138) In this way Homer depicted the primitive belief held prior to his time, which claimed that suffering was an arbitrary assignment of the gods and had no historical significance. In a bolder move to show the connection between the will of the gods and suffering Homer tells of Odysseus misadventure with the Cyclopes. In violation of the guest/host relationship established by Zeus, Polyphemus, a cyclopes and son of Poseidon, makes choice dining of a few of OdysseusShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Homer s Odyssey, The Epic Of The Classical Era Essay1585 Words  | 7 PagesAssignment 1 Prompt 1 Homer’s Odyssey is one of the many epic of the classical era to give an detailed overlook on the relationship between humans and gods. Odyssey is not just an adventure story about a king struggling to get back home after having gone to war; nor is it one about a son searching for his father after rumors say that he has been dead for many years. The events that take place in Homer’s Odyssey are heavily influenced by the Greek Gods. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Sales Amount and Shipping Costs System †
Question: Discuss about the Sales Amount and Shipping Costs System. Answer: Introduction The dataset on the office supply sales of the company Hardware and Garden Supplies consists of information about 2002 orders on nine of the variables Order ID, Order Priority, Order Quantity, Sales amount, Shipment mode, Shipping Cost, Region, Consumer segment and Days to ship. From the 2002 orders, 60 samples were selected randomly. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution tables of nominal and ordinal variables and for interval variables, necessary summary statistics will be mentioned along with suitable graphs. The range within which the average sales amount and shipping costs will lie will also be provided. Test will also be made to evaluate whether the shipping cost is higher in orders with critical priority. The difference between the average sales of the orders in eastern and western states has also to be tested. The test will be done using independent sample t-test. In the end, the relationship between the order quantity and sales amount has to be evaluated usin g regression analysis. The dataset contains 2002 orders. It will be extremely laborious to run analysis on all the 2002 orders. Thus, 60 orders have been selected from the 2002 orders to make the analysis easier. These orders have been selected randomly using uniform random number generation in MS EXCEL. All the analysis will be done on these selected 60 samples. The samples were selected randomly as the estimates obtained with this method of selection will represent the population most appropriately. Descriptive Statistics Now, analysis of the descriptive measures of the variables will be conducted. The first variable to be considered is Order Priority. The importance of the orders is denoted by this variable. The priority of critical is denoted by 4, high is denoted by 3, medium is denoted by 2, low is denoted by 1 and 0 denotes not specified. The responses will be summarized in the form of a table given in table 2.1. Row Labels Count of Order Priority Percentage of Order Priority 0 8 13% 1 10 17% 2 11 18% 3 17 28% 4 14 23% Grand Total 60 100% It can be seen clearly that most of the orders are of high priority (28 percent) and critical priority (23 percent). Only 14 percent of the respondents did not specify the priority of their orders. The second variable that will be considered is the order quantity. The number of items that have been ordered under the order ID is given by this variable. It has been found out that the average number of orders done per order ID is 28. Most of the order IDs have 17 orders. The standard deviation is found to be low (13.46) and thus, it can be said that the quantity of orders per order ID is mostly around 28. Orders per ID range between 1 and 49. It can also be said that 50 percent of the number of orders per ID lie between 17 and 38. The coefficient of variation (48 percent) being less than 100 percent indicates that the variance of the distribution is less. This means that most of the order IDs have orders close to 28, the mean value. The third variable that is to be considered is the total value of sales in $. The average sales value has been found to be $1352.11. The range of the sales values are very high and the coefficient of variation (216 percent) is a lot higher than 100 percent. Thus, it can be said that the variance of the distribution is extremely high and the sales values are a lot scattered from $1352.11, the average sales value. 50 percent of the sales values lies between $146.35 and $936.75. The fourth variable that is to be discussed is the shipment mode of the orders. The orders are shipped via three modes such as Regular air, Delivery truck and Express air coded as 1, 2 and 3 respectively. It can be seen clearly from figure 2.2 that most of the orders are shipped by Regular air. The fifth variable that will be considered is shipping cost. The average shipping cost has been found to be $9.41. The range of the shipping cost are very high and the coefficient of variation (138 percent) is a lot higher than 100. Thus, it can be said that the deviation of the values of the distribution from the average cost of shipping is extremely high and the sales values are a lot scattered from $9.41. Moreover, in 50 percent of the cases, the shipping cost lies between $2.2 and $9.04. The next variable that will be considered is the region to which the orders are delivered. The orders are delivered to only two regions the eastern region (E) and the western region (W). It can be seen clearly from figure 2.3 that 60 percent of the orders are delivered to the eastern regions and 40 percent of the orders are delivered to the western regions. The next variable that is to be considered is the consumer segment. This variable denotes the type of customers that who order the products. It can be seen clearly from figure 2.4 that 30 percent of the customers are corporate, 28 percent of the customers are consumers, 27 percent hold a small business and 15 percent run a home office. The last variable that is to be considered is the number of days that is required to ship the order. The average number of days required to ship the orders is 1.93 days. Most of the orders are shipped in 2 days. About 50 percent of the orders are shipped below 2 days. The range of the number of days to ship are low and the coefficient of variation (69 percent) is a less than 100. Thus, it can be said that the deviation of the values of the distribution from the average number of days to ship is low and the values are close to 1.93 days. Moreover, in 50 percent of the cases, the number of days to ship lies between 1 day and 2 days. We are 95 percent confident that the average sales cost for the home office customers lies between -$835.51 and $5299.20. The population mean for the average sales cost is found to be $1716.69. Thus, it can be seen that the population mean lies well within the limit given. We are also 95 percent confident that the average shipping cost for all sample orders lies between $6.13 and $12.70. The population mean for the shipping cost is found to be $9.41. Thus, it can be said that the population mean lies well within the interval. With the help of tests, it has been observed that the shipping cost of the orders with critical priority is less than the shipping cost of the orders with low priority. It has also been found from the test that the average sales order in dollars differs for the eastern and the western states. Relationship has to be established between the variables order quantity and the sales in dollars. It can be seen clearly that there is not much relation between the order quantity and sales amount from figure 2.6. The regression equation can be given by: In the above equation, y is the predicted value of the sales, x is the quantity of the products ordered. From the analysis, it can also be said that only 9 percent of the variations in the value of sales can be explained by this model. Conclusion From the analysis of the data supplied by Hardware and Garden Supplies, it has been seen that the average quantity of products ordered is approximately 28, the average value of sales is $1352.11, the average shipping cost is $9.41 and the average number of days required to ship the products is approximately 2 days. Also, it has been seen that 80 percent delivery is done by regular air, most of the orders are of high priority, the demand of the products is more in the eastern states. It can be said with 95 percent confidence that the population mean of the average sales amount of orders for the home office customers and shipping costs for all sample orders lie within the limits calculated. The shipping cost of orders with critical priority is less than that of low priority. The sales in eastern and western regions differ significantly. The sales can be estimated 8 percent accurately from the order quantity. The sample size collected for the 2002 data points is extremely low. Thus, it can be said that a sample of higher size will be able to predict the population more accurately.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Best Free Time-Management Software for Students
The Best Free Time-Management Software for Students If you use your computer both for studying and for a leisure time, it is very easy to get distracted. As a result, many important tasks may end up being not completed on time or simply not done at all. Such distractions as regular email notifications, messages in social media or newly posted videos can really intervene with your study process. In such cases, for most of the students, time management software can be very handy as they can help you prioritize your tasks, plan your working time and avoid distractions. FocusWriter One of the most effective tools for blocking distractions is a FocusWriter software. It covers your whole screen so that you end up with an empty page for you to concentrate on one thing – creative writing. You are no longer able to see any interrupting incoming emails or social media messages. You can customize your background and use provided timers to avoid constant clock-watching. Bear in mind that FocusWriter is not suitable for editing and you need to activate auto-saving before you start writing. However, for brainstorming or creating your first draft of your paper without getting any disruptions this software can be very useful. Trello For you to stay motivated, but most importantly, organized, such software as Trello was created. With this program, you are able to create multiple to-do lists and set the deadlines. Each item is placed on the card and once the task is completed, you move the card to the list of jobs that were finished successfully. At the end of the day, you can see what was done and what is not and also decide what needs to be assigned to other people. Cold Turkey Cold Turkey is one of the most efficient distraction blockers. It might seem quite strict for some, as it can block not only access to applications, specific web page or the internet itself, but it can even lock you out of your computer. However, according to the statistics, 97% of those who decided to try using this software, improved their productivity and would definitely recommend this program to the fellow students. Rainy Mood Working atmosphere can be very easily disrupted by noises around your studying place. Some students like to study with music playing in the background. Some students (those who prefer to study at night) might find complete silence to be uncomfortable and distracting from the learning process. In such cases, when you need to tune yourself into a working mode, web software can become a handy tool. Rainy Mood is a free web and a mobile application with the sound of raindrops and even a distant thunder. It helps to relax and get distracted from outside noises and get into the studying mode. If you one of those who finds it difficult to control yourself and your urge to get distracted while you working at the computer, the software that we listed above might be really useful. If you made a decision to regain control over your time and become more productive in your learning process, you need to try one of those programs. They will not only help you excel in your study life but will provide you with new skills of the time management giving you unique insights into how to productively deal with your everyday life.
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